Premium Plan

Premium Plan

Price: $7,500

Description: Our Premium Plan is tailored for large businesses and enterprises seeking a highly customized and scalable web solution with the latest AI capabilities. This plan provides everything you need to create a powerful and feature-rich website:

  • Custom Web Development:
    • Development using PHP Laravel or ASP.Net Core for a robust, scalable site
    • Fully customized design and functionality tailored to your needs
    • Up to 20 pages for comprehensive coverage of your business and services
    • Advanced contact forms and social media integration for enhanced interaction
  • Comprehensive SEO Services:
    • Full on-page and off-page SEO to maximize search engine rankings
    • Content creation and optimization to attract and retain visitors
    • Ongoing SEO monitoring and adjustments to stay ahead of the competition
  • Advanced AI Integration:
    • Intelligent chatbot with advanced natural language processing for superior customer support
    • Predictive analytics for marketing and user behavior insights
    • AI-driven personalized recommendations to boost user engagement
  • Full E-commerce Solutions:
    • Custom e-commerce platform development for a unique shopping experience
    • Advanced product catalog management for efficient organization
    • Multiple payment gateway integrations for flexibility
    • Inventory and order management for streamlined operations
  • Website Maintenance and Support:
    • 6 months of free support with priority assistance
    • Priority security updates, backups, and performance optimization
    • Regular website audits and improvements to keep your site at its best

Ideal For: Large businesses and enterprises looking for a comprehensive, feature-rich, and scalable web solution with advanced AI integration and e-commerce capabilities.